The day in our school is carefully planned to provide children with balanced routines for learning, growing and having fun. Group activities are alternated with individual and small group interactions to keep everyone engaged in learning. Typical activities include circle time, literacy and numeracy.

Literacy Time

According to the SCHOLARS KINDERGARTEN literacy program, phonemic awareness is the ability to think about and work with individual sounds in spoken languages. Before children learn to read, they need to be aware of how sounds work. Teachers integrate phonemic awareness and also work with individual fluency and text reading comprehension skills. Phonemic awareness is integrated into beginning writing instructions. While a child writes, teachers provide flexible writing experiences that allow young children to use scribble, random leers, or invent spellings in the beginning, and gradually move to more conventional writing. When children write their own texts, they also develop their vocabulary and phonemic awareness.

Outdoor Time

This is a time to focus on large motor and social skills. It’s a time to practice and concept of “taking turns.”

Story Time

Teachers read a story to stimulate oral language. They learn new vocabulary to reinforce different concepts. They also learn moral values through role plays.

Lunch Time

Lunch time starts with hand washing and sewing table mats. Children practice table manners. When lunch is over, children are responsible for cleaning their places and putting away the garbage

Closing Circle and Departure

At the end of the day, children share the activities they enjoyed during the day. Finally, a “good-bye” song is sung by all.